An NGO for Wholesome Development for the People of Barak Valley
Mission: “Our mission is to empower the marginalized for building sustainable community by means of people’s organizations and animations.”
Formation of women group in urban slum and rural villages.
Strengthening and Empowering SHGs and women leaders.
Ensuring linkages with Government Agencies, Schemes and support system.
Educating women regarding financial literacy and women/human rights.
Awareness programme for village leaders/Headman etc.
Supporting women entrepreneurship.
Encouraging women to engage in income generating activities.
Providing safe and supportive space for women to receive counselling.
Conducting gender equality and women empowerment sessions.
Organizing campaigns against domestic violence, child labour, trafficking and other social issues, through rally and street-plays.
Encouraging participation of women in local governance.
Enhance the capacities of children to take lead in voicing the social issues.
Establish child protection systems with support from government and stakeholders.
Providing Legal Awareness sessions and advocacy on government schemes policies to the community.
Linkages with Government and non-profit organisations for protection, prevention, rescue and rehabilitation.
Promotion of organic and conventional farming.
Revival of traditional agricultural methods.
Promotion of Smallholder led institutions.
Training on integrated small-scale farming system, improved post-harvest management, kitchen garden and so on.
Screening of potential products for value addition and market linkages.
Promotion of climate adaptive agricultural practices including millet cultivation.
Promotion of indigenous and improved varieties of seeds.
Promoting and facilitating supplementary education in Tribal and other backward areas.
Setting up of Bridge schools/Learning Support Centre for underprivileged students.
Drop-out students coaching at Women Empowerment Centre.
Career guidance and counselling for the school children and drop-outs.
Capacity building of youth and staff.
Formation of children group and children parliament.
Promoting Joyful Learning method at LSC.
Teaching Learning material support for LSC.
Community-Based Rehabilitation.
Health Care services to villagers through the use of herbal medicines.
Preventive and Curative Health Care in the villages.
Conducting health camps at rural and urban level.
Providing comprehensive health care and nutritional support for pregnant and lactating women.
Nutritional supplements support for students at LSC.
Providing sessions on Health Education.
Assisting beneficiaries in availing primary healthcare and chronic disease management.
Assisting local govt. in relief programmes for natural calamities.
Providing livelihood support post-disaster.
Providing nutritional and basic shelter materials to the victims.
Psycho-Social Support and trauma counselling for victims.
Setting up Child-Friendly spaces in relief camps in collaboration with government bodies.
Disaster Preparedness Training.
Restoration of water resources with the support of stakeholders.
01 | Joachim Walder | President |
02 | Anto Justin | Vice President |
03 | Gabriel Pinto | Treasurer |
04 | Michael Toppo | Secretary |
05 | Sister Achamma James | Member |
06 | Sr Teresa Martis | Member |
07 | Sister Rosy | Member |
08 | Swapna TD | Member |